who will help us? ?? ???
((This is a question from all Indians who witness the crime of Indian government and the Hindu bastards. You can hear the cry for a warrior from everypart of India. They are looking for Muqatilien to help them. To free them from the land of Kufr and Shirk. To took them to peace and dignity. Who will stand for them? " Wa ja'a llana min ladunk waliyyaa... wa ja'allaa min ladunk nasweera......" - abu muQatil))
"I should introduce myself to you so that it may be easy for you to understand my issue. I come from the India. My question is not related to myself but today I am standing for an Islamic matter. Will you permit me to say a few words?”
"Respected Moulana and my Pakistani brothers, do not assume that I am a beggar by looking at my appearance. I just stood to ask about an issue, which relates to myself and to all of you. I request you to listen properly otherwise you may also have the same situation very soon. Do not think of my talk as a fairy tale as I will relate the truth to you.
Dear scholar! Your claim that our religion has an answer and solution to every question has urged me to put this question forward. Before relating to the main topic, I would like to ask you some questions. I hope you will answer them. My first question is that the word Jihad has been mentioned in the Quran and hadith. What does it mean?"
Moulana Azhar Masoud answered straight away, "Jihad is derived from the Juhd which means to make effort. Whatever is made towards Deen will be Jihad, whether it be to answer a religious question or to teach religion or to write something on an important topic or to deliver a speech, all will be regarded as Jihad."
"Dear Sir! I am not asking for the literal definition of Jihad or it's context of normal usage. In fact I am asking with regards to Jihad in the path of Allah. The jihad, which has also been, defined Qital (fighting). I am asking about the Jihad after which one is called a Mujahid.
"Respected Moulana and my Pakistani brothers, do not assume that I am a beggar by looking at my appearance. I just stood to ask about an issue, which relates to myself and to all of you. I request you to listen properly otherwise you may also have the same situation very soon. Do not think of my talk as a fairy tale as I will relate the truth to you.
Dear scholar! Your claim that our religion has an answer and solution to every question has urged me to put this question forward. Before relating to the main topic, I would like to ask you some questions. I hope you will answer them. My first question is that the word Jihad has been mentioned in the Quran and hadith. What does it mean?"
Moulana Azhar Masoud answered straight away, "Jihad is derived from the Juhd which means to make effort. Whatever is made towards Deen will be Jihad, whether it be to answer a religious question or to teach religion or to write something on an important topic or to deliver a speech, all will be regarded as Jihad."
"Dear Sir! I am not asking for the literal definition of Jihad or it's context of normal usage. In fact I am asking with regards to Jihad in the path of Allah. The jihad, which has also been, defined Qital (fighting). I am asking about the Jihad after which one is called a Mujahid.
My question is regarding the Jihad which when used to be announced in the streets of Madinah the Sahaba fighting, running towards the battlefield equipped with weapons.
I am asking with regards to the Jihad, which our Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam was ordered to urge the believers upon, in the obligation in the Quran. I mean the Jihad after which one attains Shahadah, booty and victory.
I was asking regarding the Jihad about which Imam Burkhari (May Allah's blessings be upon him) has related 241 chapters containing numerous Ahadeeth under the title of Jihad. The Jihad for which Imam Muslim ( Rahmatullah alaihi) has mentioned 100 chapters under the title Jihad, Imam Abu Dawood has mentioned 11 chapters regarding the virtues and importance of Jihad, Imam Nasai has mentioned 48 chapters in Nasai Sharif to prove the importance of this Jihad and Imam Ibne Majah has mentioned 46 chapters consisting of Ahadeeth in his Sunan-Ibne-Majah.
The Jihad which has been defined by these great Muhaditheen in their famous books consists of weapons, Martyrdom, Horses, Archery, War plans, Intelligence, Spoils of War, Virtues of the Fighter, Virtues of being wounded, Virtues of Shooting Arrows. The above mentioned things do not come into the category of speeches and writings (which you have defined as Jihad).
I am asking you regarding the Jihad which can dignify Islam, through which one can differentiate between a Mu'min (believer) and a Munafiq (Hypocrite), through which the Muslims can terrorise the Kuffar, through which the Islamic Khilafah system comes into effect.
I am asking about the Jihad through which every fitnah is crushed.
I am asking regarding the Jihad in which every our Nabi SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam and his companions participated, the Jihad in which the angels came down from the sky and in which the Hoorain (women of Jannah) used to be mentioned.
The Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam used to send out convoys for this Jihad. I would like information with regards to the Jihad in which the Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam participated personally 27 times and sent army expeditions times. I am relating to the Jihad in which Hazrat Kaab Ibne Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) was boycotted from the Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam because he did not participate.
I am asking about the Jihad which discusses safeguarding borders, when the horses run and Allah is pleased, the blood flows and becomes scented, the Jihad in which "the Mu'min buys Jannah in exchange of his life and wealth….".
"Dear Sir! My question is regarding the Jihad in which nations are humiliated by forsaking it. The Jihad which is the protector of the Deen and its pillars."
After a long silence Moulana Azhar Masoud lifted his head up and said, "My young friend! Your saying is true. The true meaning of jihad is to fight in the path of Allah. This is the same meaning as to what our Fuqaha (jurisprudents) have written. The kuffar should be invited towards Islam, if they do not accept the dawah or do they pay Jizyah (kufr tax) then they should be fought. This is the category of the offensive Jihad. Fighting is the major part of the true meaning of the Jihad in the path of Allah and in reality the Mujahid is one who fights in the battlefield to defend Islam.
Dear friend! Jihad is an obligation of Islam and is the most virtuous of deeds. The person who dies in this cause is called a Shaheed whereas the person who returns alive is called a Ghazi. Jihad is the only way towards the elevation of the greatness of Islam. The real Jihad is the setting out with weapons onto the battlefield to destroy the enemies of Islam. If the dust touches a person in the path of Jihad the hell fire is haram upon him.
Dear youngster! Your quotation that the Muhaditheen (experts in the field of hadith) have also derived Jihad in the context of fighting is also correct."
He said "Dear speaker, I am greatly thankful to you for expressing the true meaning of Jihad which our ancestors understood, wrote and showed us through their noble actions. My second question is, what is the shari'iah status of Jihad? Is it fardh, wajib, sunnah or Mustahab? Is it an important act or not?”
Moulana Azhar Masoud answered, "There are two types of Jihad, defensive and offensive. Offensive Jihad is that the Muslims should invite the kuffar towards Islam. If they do not accept then they should be asked to pay Jizyah (kufr tax). If they also deny this then a war must be waged against them because it is not possible that a kafir, a rebel against Allah who denies Islam can carry on ruling upon Allah's land. This type of Jihad is Faradh-e-Kifaya i.e. if one group fulfils this obligation then it will be sufficient on behalf of the whole Ummah.
The second type of Jihad is defensive Jihad. If the kuffar attack an Islamic country then it will be Fard-e-Ain in the inhabitants of that country to do Jihad. If the Muslims of that country are not sufficient then it will be Fardh on the next country and if they are weak or lazy then the next country etc, till it will become Fardh-e-Ain on the whole world, from the East to the West. The definition of Fardh-e-Ain is that it will be compulsory on every man, in this case of Jihad becoming Fardh-e-Ain there will be no need of the permission of parents or the advice of anyone. Jihad will become Fardh-e-Ain when the kuffar attack a Muslim land or if they stop the Muslims from spreading Dawah or if they take Muslim captive or when the Muslims face the kuffar in rows in the battle field. Jihad becomes fardh-e-ain in the above mentioned cases. The ruling of Fardh-e-ain is whoever will leave it will be a Fasiq (grave sinner)."
The young Indian said, "Dear respected speaker! Another important question is, was fighting in the path of Allah only for the time and era of the Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam or is it an obligation for all Muslims to come till the day of judgement? I would also like you to make clear whether the help of Allah and his power for the mujahid is for ever or for a specific era and also are the verses of the holy Quran such as, "If you will not go forth for Jihad then He will punish you severely."
And the Hadith statement such as, "When you will become coward and feared the death of death of martyrdom and the love of living in the world and attaining high ranks and honour will overcome you then all the nations of the world will attack you and chew you to pieces."
And another Hadith has stated, "When you will leave Jihad, you will be humiliated.". Are all of the above statements for a specific era or for ever?".
Moulana Azhar Masoud answered, " Dear friend! Jihad in the path of Allah is from the obligations of Islam, in fact all of the obligations are protected through Jihad. This act of Jihad is ordained till the dooms day.
The Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam has stated, "Jihad will continue till the day of judgement."
He also stated in another statement, " A group of my ummah will always continue to fight in the name of Allah."
We find out from these Ahadith that the blessed act of fighting continue till Qiyamah. The help of Allah will always assist the mujahid. When ever mujahid will come forth in the battlefield he will never be left alone, he will have the power of Allah assisting him, whether he be strong or weak, in the majority or the minority, well equipped or ill-equipped, his Lord will always be at his side on the condition that he challenges the enemies with sincerity.
Dear friend! The ahadeeth, which you have related, and the threats from the Quran are truthful. The order is also till the day of judgement. This is why a muhaddith (expert in the field of hadith) or faqeeh (jurisprudent) has never written or said that Jihad or fighting has been abrogated but then of course the British initiated a scheme and established a false Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam so that he may take the zeal of Jihad out from the Muslims minds and so that he may announce that Muslims are peace lovers. What relation does a Muslim have with regards to fighting? This was all made to happen so that the British and their partners may swallow the Muslims easily, so a British grown Prophet, Mirza Qadiani announced that Jihad had been cancelled."
Moulana Azhar Masoud remained silent after his knowledgeable answer. He then added the following new points into the minds of the gathering:
“Fighting is an important obligation of Islam. The act of fighting will continue till the day of judgement. The Muslims will achieve nothing but humiliation by leaving Jihad. The person who denies Jihad cannot be a Muslim. A false Prophet had announced the abrogation of Jihad to please the British. Once again, the voice of young Kashmiri was echoed through the air,"
“A few days have passed by since I have come from India. The Muslims has been changed into a pit of fire. The Muslims are being wiped out for the offence of being Muslims. The bloodthirsty Hindu wolves are roaming around freely. Schools are being demolished and our innocent children are being burnt alive. The story of the destruction of mosques and madrassas is even more severe.”
“Respected speaker! The biggest crime is that we become Islam and the biggest culprits are the Muslims. The Muslim sister of Kashmir who are also our sisters, have become widows, the children have become orphans.
Dear sir! Such oppression has taken place in India that the skies were shaken. Iron rods were placed into the private parts of young Muslim girls and then bullets were shot. The innocent girls of this ummah were raped and murdered.
Under such critical conditions we have made a firm intention of sacrificing everything for Islam and it's greatness. Our women have also entered into the battlefield with the men challenging the enemy. We are fighting a war of protecting Islam and the Quran. We understand the enemy is well equipped with the latest technological weapons. They are burning with rage to take revenge. The enemy has the intention of cleansing the Islam and the Muslims. The enemy is well equipped with jet fighter bombers, and tanks.
We are weak, inexperienced and ill equipped; we have entered into the battlefield placing our trust in Allah. We wish we were told that the order of Jihad and it's preparation exists in the Quran so that we could answered our enemy with a death blow, but with regret and sorrow, we were taught everything from the pulpit of the massaged, we were enlightened with the virtues and rulings of wudhu, Hajj, Zakat etc. we were informed of the rulings of respecting our elders and having mercy on our youngsters, but we were not informed of the rulings of Islam when dealing with the enemy. We were deprived from the history of our ancestors. Feelings of disgust were not created in our hearts for laziness and cowardice. We have recently found out our Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam used to urge the believers to fight. He used to invite people towards it and fought himself.
This is why the people of that era attained dignity and honour. They spent their lives in peace and honour but we were not informed of this state of affairs nor were we told of this being mentioned in the Quran. We didn't know where these inheritances of the Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam were. So we are witnessing a time when our enemy is oppressing us just because we have asked for a legal right. The honour of our women is being looted in front of us.
Dear speaker! You may not believe this but a sister is stripped in front of her brothers. A mother is raped in front of her sons and a wife is raped in front of her husband. Respected speaker! If only we were told that to learn how to use a weapon is an important part our religion but we don't know, why these rulings were kept a secret from us, we are now paying it's price in punishment.
Alhamdulillah we have now started Jihad without any training or weapons, placing our trust in Allah because we have faith that we are Muslims and the number of people of our religion exceeds a billion. We are also the believers of the religion for which Mohammad bin Qasim travelled from Hijaz to Kabul upon the cry of one girl. We are the followers of the religion for which Tariq bin Ziyad waged a historical war on the shores of Andaluse to give justice to a Christian girl. The same religion for which Mahmud Ghaznawi and Ahmed Shah Abdaali marched from Afghanistan to India and this is now inscribed in history.
We had full faith that when the terrible cries of our mothers and sisters were heard from India, then the Muslims of Pakistan and whole world would become restless. They would surely become restless after listening to the shrieks of burning Muslim children.
Dear speaker! Our mothers put hope into the minds of their children who had lost all hope that do not worry! The dark night of oppression will be over very soon, an Alim of this ummah, a follower of the Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam, a youngster with full faith will come in the form of Salahuddin Ayubi and will change our present existence to a life of honour and dignity.
Dear Sir! I have come with the same message to Pakistan. I have begged every individual. Invited them on the relationship of the blood of Muslims, given them an oath in the name of Allah, warned them of a dangerous future but nobody's ears were affected. Nobody listened to what I was saying. Some listened and shed a few tears. Some felt it was sufficient to condemn these acts verbally. Some proved their sympathy by writing an article in a newspaper or arranging a protest or conference and then sat down contentedly.
But the mothers and sisters of India, the destroyed mosques and burnt pages of Holy Quran, the orphaned girls and boys do not need tears or idle talk, nor will they benefit from these conferences nor will they attain freedom by these protests.
Respected Moulana! What are the rulings in our religion for such a critical time? Should we in the place ourselves? Should we refrain from calling ourselves Muslims? What are the rulings of Islam in such a time? What is the ruling of Islam for us and the other Muslims, for yourself and the general public of Pakistan and the whole world"
The young Indian has completed his talk everybody's eyes were shedding tears, every heart was grieved. Voices of crying could be heard from some corners. The people were waiting for the speaker to answer, but everyone was amazed, the speaker was silent. His face was reflecting the grief of his heart. His tears had crossed his cheeks and made his beard wet.
Upon witnessing the silence of speaker, the Indian's voice echoed once again. His voice was thundering, he said, "Dear speaker! If Islam is wiped out from India then these same acts of oppression will be repeated in Pakistan.
The intentions of the Hindus are not limited to India but they claim Pakistan to be an integral part of their body. Respected Alim! There is no doubt that Islam is a complete religion but inform us of what procedures Islam has placed for the safety and protection of this complete religion and it's followers?"
Moulana Azhar Masoud began to answer in a low voice, "Dear son! You have awakened the emotion of our Iman. Undoubtedly Islam gives the order of Jihad at such a time but the fear of death and enjoying luxuries has moved us away from this important obligation.
O! Youngster! The true fact is that we have not been subjected to the fire which you have burnt in. we are living a peaceful, luxurious life. This is why we are so far away from the true meaning of Jihad. Sometimes we feel that the religion of Allah is being humiliated. The law of the Quran is beneath the Law of the British but we stay quiet thinking that our honour is still intact.
Dear youngster! The true meaning of Jihad is only been understood by those Muslims who have witnessed such happenings. We have witnessed all this from a far distance. To write with the pen or to say with the mouth is very simple but the person in front of whom his daughter has been stripped, if he was to be asked the shariah ruling of Jihad then surely he would be able to answer it correctly.
Although our eyes are not blind but the surrounding circumstances has blinded us. Dear Son! I also admit to the fact that the only way for the honour and dignity of knowledge and the Ulamah and the only way towards the greatness of Islam is Jihad. If we will leave Jihad then the enemy of Islam will lead the people astray openly. He will create disgust in the minds of people for the Ulamah and the Deen. I also that the admit that to urge people towards Jihad and to invite them through our own action was our obligation but we avoided it.
This is our ill-fortune that when the kuffar was oppressing the Muslims in Bukhara and Sumarqand, the Ulamah of Afghanistan were busy in debates of Fardh-e-Ain and Fardh-e-Kifayah, the conditions of Jihad, the shariah Jihad etc. when the kuffar attacked them then they understood what Jihad was. They issued a Fatwah (religious verdict) on time and using their natural strength, they remained stead fast on opposing the enemy. Today we are doing the same thing. Make duaa that Allah gives us the understanding of this issue before the time is too late.
Dear young man! May Allah reward you; you have directed us towards the path through which we may gain honour greatness and freedom. We may gain the love of Allah and his Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam. Without the doubt our Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam was the Prophet of peace and the Prophet with the sword. Undoubtedly our Nabi SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam went forth into the battlefield is wearing the full armour and the sword. Our Prophet SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa-Sallam also lead the Sahabahs towards the battlefield, now we shall revise this way. We shall reach India to protect our mothers and sisters and we shall sacrifice our lives to our Lord bearing witness to His oneness and to the greatfulness of Islam. Inshallah!
O Allah helps us to understand the reality of our obligation to our ummah and help us to participate and continue with this struggle of Jihad…. Ameen.. Summa-Ameen.
1 comment:
Assalamu alaikum,
Dear akhi do u know what has happened to maulana masood azhar i am not even finding any of his lectures post date 2002-2003 is he martyred or incarcenated?
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